Saturday 14 March 2015

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Furfural berasal dari kata latin furfur yang mempunyai arti kulit padi. Furfural pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1832 oleh Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner dan merupakan suatu senyawa yang mengandung cincin furan dengan  satu atom O, furfural sejenis minyak yang tidak berwarna dengan bau seperti almond, namun jika berada pada udara akan secara cepat berubah warna menjadi kuning.
Furfural termasuk senyawa golongan aldehid dengan gugus CHO posisi a (2). Furfural juga mempunyai nama lain : 2-Formylfuran; 2-Furanaldehyde; 2-Furancarbonal; Cyclic aldehyde; 2-Furaldehyde; 2-FuraldehĂ­do; 2-FuraldĂ©hyde; alpha-Furole; Artificial ant oil; Fural; Furaldehyde; Furale; Furancarbonal; Furfuraldehyde; Furfurole; Furfurylaldehyde; Furole; Pyromucic aldehyde; 2-Furylmethanal; Furfurale; Furfurol; 2-Furil-metanale; 2-Furankarbaldehyd; Furfuralu; 2-Furylaldehyde xypropane; 2-Furylcarboxaldehyde; Qo furfural; Furan-2-carboxaldehyde. 
Jagung atau Maize (Zea mays sp.) adalah tanaman semusim yang mempunyai batang berbentuk bulat, beruas-ruas dan tingginya antara 60 – 300 cm dan daunnya berbentuk seperti bendera, mempunyai panjang 100 cm dan lebarnya 5-10 cm. Tanaman jagung dapat tumbuh di dataran rendah sampai dataran tinggi  (ketinggian 0 - 1.300 m dpl). Zat-zat yang terkandung didalam tongkol jagung adalah : 

Mutiara/ tapioca pearls dibuat dari pati tapioca yang berasal dari akar ketela yang kaya akan serat. Ketika dimasak, mutiara menjadi bola-bola yang kenyal dan manis. Biasanya bagian tengah dari tapioca pearls terasa lebih manis dibandingkan bagian permukaannya. Mutiara/tapioca pearldapat ditambahkan ke dalam berbagai macam minuman, seperti bubble tea, juice,dan kopi. Yang perlu Anda ketahui, bubble tea yang berisikan teh dan mutiara-mutiara kenyal ini merupakan minuman nomer satu di negara Taiwan.
Hampir semua jenis teh ternyata berperan besar terhadap kebugaran dan kesehatan peminumnya. Para ahli yang meneliti daun teh sepakat, teh mengandung senyawa-senyawa bermanfaat seperti polifenol, theofilin, flavonoid/metixantin, tanin, vitamin C dan E, catechin, serta sejumlah mineral seperti Zn, Se, Mo, Ge, Mg. Semua itu tidak hanya berkhasiat bagi tubuh sebagai zat antimutagenik dan antikanker, mengobati gangguan saluran pencernaan, serta membantu menetralkan lemak dalam makanan, tetapi juga mencegah oksidasi lemak densitas rendah yang bisa menjadi plak, menurunkan kolesterol darah, menyegarkan pernapasan, dan merangsang batang otak.
Zat flavonoid yang ada dalam daun teh, memang berfungsi sebagai penangkal radikal bebas yang mengacaukan keseimbangan tubuh dan menjadi salah satu pemicu kanker. Selain itu kehadiran polifenol, theofilin, dan senyawa lainnya di daun teh membantu menghambat perkembangan virus ataupun kelainan faat yang menimbulkan kanker [1].

Teh yang dipakai dalam pembuatan “bubble tea instant” ini adalah teh hijau yang dikenal memiliki khasiat sebagai anti-kanker. Di samping bisa mencegah kanker, teh hijau dipercaya bisa pula mencegah berbagai penyakit seperti menghambat terbentuknya kolesterol darah, mengontrol tekanan darah tinggi, menurunkan kadar gula darah, memperlambat penuaan, dan menyegarkan badan. Catechin dalam teh hijau terbukti untuk menghambat tekanan darah tinggi [2]. Daun teh yang dijadikan teh hijau biasanya langsung diproses setelah dipetik. Setelah daun mengalami oksidasi dalam jumlah minimal, proses oksidasi dihentikan dengan pemanasan (cara tradisional Jepang dengan menggunakan uap atau cara tradisional Tiongkok dengan menggongseng di atas wajan panas). Teh yang sudah dikeringkan bisa dijual dalam bentuk lembaran daun teh atau digulung rapat berbentuk seperti bola-bola kecil (teh yang disebut gun powder).

Friday 6 February 2015

Chemical Reaction Engineering Octave Levenspiel

Chemical Reaction Engineering, Third Edition helps students learn how to answer reactor design questions reliably and effectively. To accomplish this, the text emphasizes qualitative arguments, simple design methods, graphical procedures, and frequent comparison of capabilities of major reactor types. This approach helps students develop a strong intuitive sense for good design.


For more ebook : E-book

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
(also known as Perry's Handbook or Perry's) was first published in 1934 and the most current eighth The subjects covered in the book include: physical properties of chemicals and other materials; mathematics; thermodynamics; heat transfer; mass transfer; fluid dynamics; chemical reactors and chemical reaction kinetics; transport and storage of fluid; heat transfer equipment; psychrometry and evaporative cooling; distillation; gas absorption; liquid-liquid extraction; adsorption and ion exchange; gas–solid, liquid–solid and solid–solid operations; biochemical engineering; waste management, materials of construction, process economics and cost estimation; process safety and many others. An electronic version of his reference book is provided by Knovel. The first edition was edited by John H. Perry who was a PhD physical chemist and chemical engineer for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. W. S. Calcott (ChE) of DuPont was his assistant editor. It was published in 1934. The second edition was published in 1941. The third edition was edited by John H. Perry and published in 1950 The fourth edition was edited by Robert H. Perry, Cecil H. Chilton, and Sidney D. Kirkpatrick and published in 1963. The fifth edition was edited by Robert H. Perry and published in 1973. The sixth edition was published in 1984 and edited by Robert H. Perry and Donald W. Green. The 1997 seventh edition was edited by Robert H. Perry and Donald W. Green. The 2007/2008 eighth edition was edited by Don W. Green and Robert H. Perry.


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Monday 2 February 2015

Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
This 25-volume encyclopedia contains over seven-hundred state-of-the-art review chapters organized 
in an A-Z format to provide a complete coverage of advanced research in all nanotechnology related 
fields such as chemistry, physics, engineering and medical sciences. The review chapters are 
contributed by over 2,000 of the world's leading scientists from top-notch academic and industrial 
institutions worldwide. This 25-volume encyclopedia now contains 710 articles, 150,000 
bibliographic citations and thousands of illustrations, figures, tables, and equations covering 
ca 22,000 pages which hundreds of images/figures/illustrations in color. The 25-volume set contains
 the largest number of state-of-the-art review chapters ever published in the world in the field of 
nanotechnology. Each chapter is fully cross-referenced, introducing some of the most important 
nanotechnologies under development today. The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Nanoscience
 and Nanotechnology, 10-Volume Set, (Edited by H. S. Nalwa, Foreword by Professor Richard E. Smalley, 
Nobel Prize Laureate, Endorsed by Professor Jean-Marie Lehn, Nobel Prize Laureate) that 
appeared in 2004 received the "Best Reference Work Award" of the American Society for Engineering
 Education (USA) and "Outstanding Academic Title" by the CHOICE magazine from the American 
Library Association (USA). With the addition of new 15 volumes (vols. 11-25) in 2011, the entire 
25-volume set contains the largest number of articles ever published in the field of nanotechnology 
in the world. There is no match for this landmark reference since this encyclopedia covers all 
research topics reported over the past two decades. It is the most useful reference for all academic 
and research libraries.

Volume 1 : Download
Volume 2 : Download
Volume 3 : Download
Volume 4 : Download

Volume 5 : Download
Volume 6 : Download
Volume 7 : Download (soon)
Volume 8 : Download (soon)
Volume 9 : Download (soon)
Volume 10 : Download (soon)

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Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles Geankoplis Free PDF Download



The title of this text has been changed from Transport Processes and Unit Operations to Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations). This was done because the term "unit operations" has been largely superseded by the term "separation processes," which better reflects the modern nomenclature being used.
In this fourth edition, the main objectives and the format of the third edition remain the same. The sections on momentum transfer have been greatly expanded, especially the sections on fluidized beds, flow meters, mixing, and non-Newtonian fluids. Material has been added to the chapters on mass transfer. The chapters on absorption, distillation, and liquid-liquid extraction have also been enlarged. More new material has been added to the sections on ion exchange and crystallization. The chapter on membrane separation processes has been greatly expanded, especially for gas-membrane theory.
The field of chemical engineering involved with physical and physical-chemical changes of inorganic and organic materials and, to some extent, biological materials is overlapping more and more with the other process-engineering fields of ceramic engineering, process metallurgy, agricultural food engineering, wastewater-treatment (civil) engineering, and bioengineering. The principles of momentum, heat, and mass transport and the separation processes are widely used in these processing fields.
The principles of momentum transfer and heat transfer have been taught to all engineers. The study of mass transfer has been limited primarily to chemical engineers. However, engineers in other fields have become more interested in mass transfer in gases, liquids, and solids.
Since chemical and other engineering students must study so many topics today, a more unified introduction to the transport processes of momentum, heat, and mass transfer and to the applications of separation processes is provided. In this text the principles of the transport processes are covered first, and then the separation processes (unit operations). To accomplish this, the text is divided into two main parts.

Science and Technology of Polymer Nanofibers
Anthony L. Andrady

Discover new and emerging applications of polymer nanofibers alongside the basic underlying science and technology. With discussions exploring such practical applications as filters, fabrics, sensors, catalysts, scaffolding, drug delivery, and wound dressings, the book provides polymer scientists and engineers with a comprehensive, practical "how-to" reference. Moreover, the author offers an expert assessment of polymer nanofibers' near-term potential for commercialization. Among the highlights of coverage is the book's presentation of the science and technology of electrospinning, including practical information on how to electrospin different polymer systems.

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Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers
Max S. Peters, University of Colorado
Klaus Timmerhaus, University of Colorado, Boulder
Ronald E. West, University of Colorado, Boulder

The fifth edition of Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers is a major revision of the popular fourth edition. There are new chapters on process synthesis, computer-aided design, and design of chemical reactors. A traditionally strong feature of the text, economic analysis, has been revamped and updated. Another strength, equipment sizing and cost estimation, is updated and expanded as well. These improvements also reflect changes in equipment availability.
The numerous real examples throughout the book include computer or hand solutions, and often both. There is a new increased emphasis on computer use in design, economic evaluation, and optimization. Concepts, strategies, and approaches to computer use are featured. These concepts are not tied to particular software programs and therefore apply to wide a range of applications software, of both current and future release.
This widely used text is now more useful than ever, providing a “one-stop” basic guide to chemical process design and evaluation.

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